How Do You Get Rid Of Whiteheads On Nose: Causes And Curing Methods

white heads on nose

Through the article we will let you know how do you get rid of whiteheads on nose.

The nose has a more density of larger pores, which makes it a prime spot for whiteheads.

Nonprescription treatments for whiteheads in the nose include salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and alpha-hydroxy acids.

Remove whiteheads on nose naturally with tea tree oil, witch hazel, and facial steamer.

Removal bands cannot effectively treat whiteheads.

Regular exfoliation, the use of astringents, and good hygiene practices can prevent whiteheads from forming on your nose.

Whiteheads form when a pore becomes blocked with dead skin cells and oil naturally produced by the skin and is called sebum. They appear like white bumps on the surface of the skin.


The causes

The sebaceous glands produce sebum in the pores of the skin. The nose has more density of pores and larger than average sebaceous glands. More oil means more possibilities for whiteheads to develop, making the nose a common place where they appear. Even people with very dry skin can get whiteheads on their nose.


What if pimples on my nose keep appearing?

If the pimples reappear, it means that the nose is still producing excess sebum. It tends to happen during puberty when high levels of a hormone called androgen causes increased sebum production.

When whiteheads on the nose are accompanied by other more serious acne forms, especially on the jaw, it can sign a hormonal disorder. If you suffer from chronic pimples, try to find out a dermatologist.


Can you be free of whiteheads overnight?

It is possible to get rid of individual whiteheads overnight, keeping in mind that “overnight” does not mean instantly: the following remedies take several hours to act.

They are also better suited for people who only have occasional pimples. Recurring whiteheads will generally require longer treatments that can take weeks or even months.

As a quick remedy for occasional pimples, look for hydrocolloid bandages, also known as acne stickers. Popular in Korean beauty, these bandages can suck fluid inside clogged pores and reduce inflammation.

Another overnight treatment for pimples is a highly concentrated solution of active ingredients that fight blemishes, like salicylic acid or witch hazel. Be aware that these solutions can irritate the skin and generally should not be used every day.


Over the counter (OTC) treatments for whiteheads on the nose

There are over the counter products to treat whiteheads on the nose. From patches to cleansers to gels, they usually have one of three key active ingredients in common.



Retinoids have long been a mainstay in the treatment of non-inflammatory comedonal acne, also known as whiteheads. They work by increasing the renewal of skin cells, breaking down dead cells that can block pores. You will start to see outcomes after about a month of using retinoids.

Mind that retinoids raise your skin’s sensitivity to the sun. Be sure to wear high SPF sunscreen or reduce sun exposure when using them.


Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid dissolves in fat, making it great for breaking down the sebum and dead skin cells that cause whiteheads. A study suggests that a skincare regimen that contains salicylic acid may be more effective against non-inflammatory acne than one that includes antibiotics.

Salicylic acid usually comes in the form of a toner or cleanser. It is suitable for people with oily or combination skin as it can dry out. Expect to see development within a few weeks, with full results after three months.

If this ingredient is too harsh or too dry to be used in a facial cleanser, it also exists in a concentrated form which can be applied to specific areas for faster results.


How do you get rid of whiteheads on the nose naturally

There are several natural and plant-based options available for those looking for chemical-free treatments for pimples on the nose.

Tea tree oil

The tea tree is a plant native to Australia that has widely used for medicinal purposes. Its antibacterial properties and astringent may make it useful for drying out excess oil and preventing inflammation. Though, its effectiveness remains somewhat controversial in the dermatological community.

Tea tree oil must be used regularly to reduce inflammation and greasiness. It can’t stop your skin from creating more sebum. It can be used as an element in a detergent or applied with a cotton ball.


Also Read: How To Use Tanning Oil And How Does Tanning Oil Work?

Witch hazel

Witch hazel extract contains naturally harsh tannins. Like tea tree oil, witch hazel can be used by people with oily skin to counter the overproduction of sebum and must be used regularly for good results. Witch hazel is often found in toners and cleansers.

Steamed face

Facial steaming is a bit misunderstood. It claims that facial steaming can “open the pores”, but pores can’t open and close; they don’t have muscles to tighten or relax.

However, facial steaming can still be beneficial in treating whiteheads. The heat from the steam can loosen dead skin cells and dirt from the face and blockages within the skin’s pores.

Use the facial steamer to treat whiteheads on your nose before applying any topical medications or attempting an extraction. Bring a water vessel to boil and stand on it for a few minutes with a towel on both sides of your face. You can also buy a facial steamer at home or achieve a similar effect with hot water in the shower.

Anyone can benefit from facial steaming if safety measures are taken not to overheat or scald the skin with steam. Only eight to ten minutes should be long enough.


How to Pop Whiteheads in the Nose

To get whiteheads up your nose, first, apply a compress soaked in lukewarm water to loosen the clog. Then, use clean hands or an extractor (available online, at beauty stores and drug stores) to press on both sides of the white head. Do not squeeze or pinch it, as this can push bacteria deeper into your pores.

If the white point does not come out simply, do not use force. Instead, apply a spot treatment like a salicylic acid solution or AHA hydrocolloid bandage and wait for the white point to break down or is ready to burst.

A comment on suppression tapes

Removal bands are advertised as a method to remove blackheads and whiteheads quickly. Applying a glue strip to the nose can certainly help loosen dead skin cells for a cleaner, smoother appearance.

However, these results are only superficial. Pore ​​bands cannot remove whiteheads because they are closed by the skin. Instead, focus on using products that contain salicylic acid and AHAs, which absorb through the skin and can dissolve blockages.


Tips for avoiding whiteheads on the nose

To avoid whiteheads on your nose, consider incorporating the following steps into your skincare routine.

Wash your face two times a day: Keeping your face clean of excess oil and dirt will reduce the risk of developing whiteheads.

Exfoliate regularly: Exfoliation stops the buildup of dead skin cells that cause whiteheads. Use only mild scrubs or a chemical scrub two to three times a week.

Oil-Free Moisturizer – Look for a skin cream that advertises as oil-free or non-comedogenic, which means it won’t clog your pores.

Use non-comedogenic makeup – don’t block pores with greasy makeup products. Ingredients to look out for include seaweed, coconut and stearates.

Avoid touching your nose: your hands can spread bacteria and dirt. Keep dirt away from your face to avoid breakouts.

Astringent – If you have recurring whiteheads, using a desiccant regularly can help prevent them from emerging in the first place. Witch hazel and Salicylic acid are two popular astringents.